Kaizen: 1% Better Every Day

Goncalo Hoshi
7 min readJul 6, 2021

…and then you quit.

It’s not like you wanted to give up, right?

But after 2 weeks of trying so hard to stick with your new healthy habits, the ones that you thought were finally going to bring you the life you so desired, everything has come crashing down.

If you are like most of us, then you have probably tried to replace your bad habits with new, healthier habits, however, instead of doing it slow and steady, you went for fast and abruptly.

What most likely happened after that, is that you quit all of them in 2 weeks or less.

No shame about it.

Personally, I’ve fallen for this multiple times until I realized that was not the way to go.

With that in mind, in my opinion, the way for great results, in any area of life, comes at the sacrifice of (most) short-term gains.

The Boring Reality Of Progress

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Likewise, so won’t the habits that will allow for success in our areas of choice.

We can prove this assumption by looking at those we admire and consider successful. Whether that is top athletes, musicians, actors, or any other skill worth admiring, all of them got there after years upon years of…

