Member-only story
The Simple, Proven Method For Long-Term Consistent Results
Make time run in your favor
“You need a mentor!” — Tends to be the most popular response to the question of how to improve results.
Nowadays it has become common for self-proclaimed “gurus”, of all sorts, to preach as the ultimate solution for every problem their potential clients have as the acquiring of a mentor. Usually themselves. Usually, for unreasonable amounts of money.
While I have no problem with someone investing in improving themselves, as I do so myself, I have a big issue with promises to fix deeply urgent problems for people, with ease and in no time, when they clearly know that it is not possible. Especially if they top it off with a course in which the $ value ends with a 7.
As someone who sells information and advice, what I’ve found is that the biggest change and the biggest results will come from the ability to put in consistent action with the most relevant habits to reach said goal, and then the willingness to regularly sit down with the work that has been put out and understand what can be improved.
Essentially, prioritization + consistency + slow improvements over time.
While information and mentors can help you fill the gaps of where to be consistent and on what to improve…